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Ihpetonga Document (Alan Yanofsky, John Romanovich)


A great, enriching find one could study for hours. A named area on this map has connections to Ten Mile River.

Check out the map's Northwest area where the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges depart Brooklyn. There sits the original Ihpetonga

Ihpetonga, "high sandy banks"  is today's Brooklyn Heights. Home of some  exceedingly valued and prized real estate bordering Manhattan. 

Great place for a Scout Camp wouldn't you say? 

 I was on Ihppy's staff in 1966 as Assistant Waterfront Director. That year was its last as it closed August 30th.

If you care to read the Ihpetonga Poem nee 1895 shown below, it reveals more about the area some 122 years ago. Note different spelling and slogan of the area.

So who is responsible for naming TMR's Ihpetonga and why did that name win out over others?

John Romanovich

 The Ihpetonga Poem 1895

"From the heights of Brooklyn to the ocean shore, the Indians called it Ihpetonga (Ifatonga) "Queen of the Ocean."

Ihpetonga! Ihpetonga!

Fairest queen of beauty crowned!

Ocean kissed! with glowing splendor

Beams thy glory all around.

Ihpetonga! Ihpetonga!

Here the red man once did roam

O'er his hunting grounds and meadow

By the water's silv'ry foan.

Ihpetonga! Ihpetonga!

Where the famed Canarsies strayed,

Held the forests for their wigwams,

And their wily foes oft stayed.

Ihpetonga! Ihpetonga!

Here they bows and arrows wrought,

And their bark canoes they fashioned,

Then the fish and beaver sought. Ihpetonga! Ihpetonga!

Fain the squaws their papoose bore.

While they through the forest rambled

Or wove wampum by the shore.

Ihpetonga! Ihpetonga!

In the clouds and storms above,

Worshipped they the great Manitou,

As their God of fear and love.


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