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The 12,000-acre Ten Mile River Scout Camps in Sullivan County, New York has over 60 miles of hiking trails, including the famous 33-mile Ten Mile River Trail.  The Ten Mile River Scout Museum sponsors the Ten Mile River Historical Trails Award for registered Troops, Packs, Venture Crews and qualified non-scouting groups hiking these trails.  Hikers satisfying trail requirements can earn a beautiful patch and medal with pins for miles hiked.


The Museum is definitely worth a visit.  We have extensive exhibits on local history, archeology, wildlife and the lumbering/bluestone mining era.

T253 Queens - 1st Troop on the Trail.
Click for photos.

New!: TMR Trail-work Pin.  Your Scouts can earn a new award pin after a few hours of trail-work at TMR. The Ten Mile River Scout Museum is issuing this free pin as part of the Ten Mile River Historical Trails award program.  Individuals that earn the trail medal can wear the pin on its ribbon.  For full details, visit our TMR Trail-work pin page.

Hiking Stick Medallion.jpg

New!: Ten Mile River Historical Trails Hiking Stick Medallion.  This summer, the Museum will be selling both fine 46 in. hiking sticks in various styles and hiking stick medallions. Comes with nails. Purchase your TMR Historical Trails medallion and attach it to your hiking stick so that everyone knows that you earned the trails award.

TEN MILE RIVER HISTORICAL TRAILS PRESENTATION - Overview on award requirements, maps, resource materials, how to register to earn the award during TMR summer camp and the rest of the year.  START HERE.

INFORMATIONAL BROCHURE - Trail award requirements, how to register, camping facilities at TMR.

© 2025 Ten Mile River Scout Museum.

Ten Mile River Scout Museum

1481 Crystal Lake Road

Narrowsburg, NY  12764


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