How marvelous to finally become aware, in the person of yourself, of the family who for many years ran the Red Apple Rest in Southfields, N.Y.
Hal Rosenfeld e-mailed to you a recounting of his Troop's Boy Scouts from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s whose appetites' salvation and toilet needs were so often provided by a visit to the Red Apple Rest on the way to and from the short term Scout Camp at Spruce Pond all year round and the Ten Mile River Scout Camps in the summer months of July and August. Most stories from other Troops would most likely be very similar. I was a Scout, starting in 1935, of Troop 102 in the Atlantic District which was sponsored by the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd located at Fourth Ave. and Bay Ridge Pkwy. ( 75th St. ) in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Recently I reconnected with a Scout, John Aram, who became a Scout of that Troop 102 in very early 1943. At one time I was his Scoutmaster. He went on to become involved not only as an adult leader in this Troop but also as a volunteer Scouter on the District level. His Scouting activities eventually earned him the prestigious Silver Beaver award. The Scouts of Troop 102 often camped at Spruce Pond over the many years of its existance, throughout each year, and they never failed to ' snack up ' at the Red Apple Rest both coming and going. It was a must as well as a tradition to so do. You just didn't miss that opportunity. Recently, John Aram sent me a mimeograph copy of a 1955 hand drawn map of Spruce Pond. On the reverse of the map page are typewritten directions on how to travel to it and some rules of use. It is very interesting to be reminded that one could auto via the Geo. Washington Bridge and Rte. 17 to Southfields; bus to Southfields via the Short Line or Adirondack Transit with fares of $ 1.54 One-Way or $ 2.81 Round-Trip or take the train via the Erie RR from Jersey City to Southfields for $ 1.58 One-Way and $2.83 Round-Trip. The steep Goat Trail up to the Camp itself started at Route # 17 about 100 yards south of and on the opposite side from the Red Apple Rest. During cooler weather coal was available from the Campmaster at his cabin at the cost of $ 1.00 per bag. ( Wt. per bag ?? ). Part of the Goat Trail ran alongside a one car wide dirt road up to camp that was used for servicing the camp with certain supplies and maintenance chores. It could be used by per-authorized use only and then only for such purposes. This narrow road took a less steep route up to camp. It and the Goat Trail are still visible today. But its use is limited to only those walking. It was a very sad day for Scouts when Spruce Pond closed. Those who went there also miss the Red Apple Rest. The Red Apple Rest is still there. It looks much the same as it ever did. It gets a new coat of paint from time to time but still has a time worn look. It really needs a facelift. The large billboard signs, far south and north of its site, announcing its location are in need of upkeep these days. Its large parking lot is a mecca at times for people attending events at the close-by Sterling Forest area.